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We authorize the use of the construction documents for the construction of one (1) structure on the express condition that you strictly comply with all local building codes and other applicable laws. All plans are protected under the United States Copyright Law and cannot not be copied, modified in any fashion without the purchase of a reproducible product along with signed licensing or copyright release. Additional build or multiple build licensing may be available for your plans to allow the structure to be built more than one time. Please contact HPC for availability.


Construction drawings are designed to meet or exceed national building codes in effect at the time and place they were drawn. Codes may include the IRC (International Residential Code), CABO (Council of American Building Officials) and /or UBC (Uniform Building Code). However, each state, county and municipality has its own building codes, zoning requirements, ordinances and building regulations. Your plan may need to be modified to comply with local requirements regarding snow loads, energy codes, soil and seismic conditions, and a wide range of other concerns. You may also need to obtain permits and inspections from local governments before and during construction. We strongly recommend that you consult with a building or design professional, as well as your local building code official, before applying for permits or beginning construction.


Construction documents are not pre-stamped or sealed. Some municipalities require construction documents be stamped or sealed by a licensed engineer or architect. Please check with your local building department for this requirement. You may need to consult with a local design professional for these services to obtain a building permit to build the structure. If you are unable to find a local professional to assist you with this service, please contact HPC for assistance facilitating this service for you.

Because we have no control over your construction process, we cannot make any warranty, express or implied, with respect to the content or use of the construction documents, including but not limited to any warranty of merchantability or of fitness for any particular purpose.


Purchases made are in U.S. dollars.


All sales are FINAL.


We cannot accept returns, or exchanges for any reason. You may upgrade your purchase to a reproducible/modifiable package within one year of the original plan purchase. 


Promotions, Sales, and Discounts may be offered for limited times and can be discontinued or extended at The House Plan Company's discretion. Coupon codes must be added to the Cart during Checkout to be applied when ordering online or provided over the phone at the time of purchase. Discounts, Sales, and Promotional pricing are only valid on products sold through www.TheHousePlanCompany.com and not through its vendors or partners. Discounts, Sales, and Promotional pricing are not valid on modification services or quotes.


Terms & Conditions, products, and pricing are subject to change without notice.

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